University of Notre Dame Australia

The University of Notre Dame Australia is a private Roman Catholic university established in 1989 in the Western Australian port city of Fremantle. Although it is a private university, Notre Dame receives significant government funding. While The University of Notre Dame Australia has "strong collegial links" with the American University of Notre Dame located in Notre Dame, Indiana, they are separate institutions.HistoryThe university's founding President and Vice Chancellor was Reverend David T. Link, who continued serving as Dean of the University of Notre Dame Law School during the two years it took to establish Notre Dame, Australia.On 5 August 2008, Notre Dame appointed the third Vice Chancellor of the university's history, Professor Celia Hammond. Professor Hammond is a qualified lawyer and was previously the Head of the University's Fremantle School of Law.Professor Hammond stated in her inauguration speech that knowledge and learning must be within a framework of humanity in order to ensure that students have love and respect for the world; not just wisdom. She also said:"At Notre Dame we are not simply transmitters of information, creators of knowledge. Our mission will always be to teach and to educate in an environment that encourages people to seek understanding, to seek wisdom, to seek to serve, to seek to live in a way that fulfils everyone’s higher purpose."CrestThe university crest is an open Bible.The waves below the open Bible represents the Fremantle area (the origin of the university) and Australia, a nation surrounded by water.
